Roksolana Kostur, attorney, the partner of the «Matviyiv and Partners» attorneys at law, participated in the round table «Discussion on selection and qualification assessment of judges»

Roksolana Kostur, attorney, the partner of the«Matviyiv and Partners» attorneys at law, participated in the round table «Discussion on selection and qualification assessment of judges», which took place at the Citadel Inn Hotel in Lviv on 20th November, 2017.

The organizer of the event is the  Ukrainian Bar Association, together with the European Union Project «Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine» and the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine.

The representatives of the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine, the High Council of Justice, members of the Council of Judges of Ukraine, candidates for positions of judges of the High Court on Intellectual Property, judges, representatives of the Association for the Development of Judicial Self-Government in Ukraine, lawyers, and academics were among the participants in the discussion.


2018-04-02T15:27:44+00:00 November 22, 2017|