The «Matviyiv and Partners» organized a seminar entitled «Credit disputes»

The «Matviyiv and Partners» organized a seminar entitled «Credit disputes», held on June 3rd, 2016 at the hotel «Leopolis».
Representatives of the following banks were among the participants in the discussion of the topic: «Kredobank», «VS Bank» and «Idea Bank». The seminar was opened by Roksolana Kostur, the partner of the «Matviyiv and Partners», as well as by Nazar Muzhyk and Taras Kopystynskyi, leading experts on the recovery of bad debts. The invited participants received useful and relevant information on the following issues:

  • Credit agreements
  • Collection of debts under credit agreements
  • Evidence and proof
  • The penalties for non-performance of conditions of credit agreements
  • Peculiarities of collection debts under overdraft contracts
  • Borrowers from the ATO zone

The seminar dialogueness was reflected in the active discussion of topical issues by all the participants of the event. During the discussion, representatives of banks were able to share the specific practical situations and cases from their professional activities, which, without doubt, will enhance their knowledge and expertise in the subject of “credit disputes”.

The event was held in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere that helped the organizers and participants to get acquainted with each other and share their unique knowledge and experience.
Everyone will remember the seminar due to its good mood, useful information and subtle humor of the participants.

2018-04-06T12:19:13+00:00 June 6, 2016|